Vertical Road

During my January vacation, I got into a tiny verbal scuffle with an actor, claiming contemporary dance does not have such artistic value or quality as classical theater. And that it should not be considered too seriously. Since I have no formal education regarding dance, in defense I had to speak from experience. Of course, I picked the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. 

During Tanec Praha festival in 2011 there was this performance by the name of “Vertical Road” by Akram Khan Company. It was about dying and very powerful. At a certain point the stage was split in two with all performers except one semi-visible behind a thin curtain, representing an uncanny barrier between the living and the dead. In my mind I was not sure on which side I ended up. And the feeling of having a choice was tremendously calming though choreography and music absolutely wasn't. Brilliant…

Vertical Road, Akram Khan Company / Tanec Praha / 50mm; T 1/60; F 1.4; ISO 1600; EOS 1Ds Mark II

I’m guilty of using emotionally charged words, which I consider to be an unfair method for any debate. Yet my opponent folded like a deck of cards. 

After I got home, that memory crept in my mind for a while so I went to the archive and found my old photos from that day. Then another memory crept up. Back then I got permission to take photos during full general rehearsal at Hudebni Divadlo Karlin. So when I was taking photos of this piece, there was only one other person in this giant auditorium. Again I found myself unable to find the words to describe the feeling I got from that combo.

Vertical Road, Akram Khan Company / Tanec Praha / EF 70-200mm/2.8; T 1/30; F 2.8; ISO 1600; EOS 1Ds Mark II

Later that day I was pacing around my flat and found some mail. I found a package containing some of my old cameras, delivered by my ex-gf while I was gone. When, lo and behold, that very camera I was using back then, was in it! It is a very old and heavy 1Ds Mark II but in very good shape.

The old thing of beauty

I’m no good in describing things verbally so feel free to see a little excerpt from this performance:


Skimming trough the fog


Photography, not art